Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is Death penalty a lawful Murder ?

Pak terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab has been awarded the Death sentence. Soon after this news hit the headline of all the news papers we were forced to look down the memory lane in the case of Dhananjay Chatterjee who was hanged till death for his crime of raping and murdering a 14 year old in the year 2004. It was then also a point of debate whether death penalty should be allowed or not ( Many human rights activists did take up the matter) because more than 130 countries have banned Death penalty.
I would definitely not get into the discussion of the statistics or history of Death penalty in all over the world, instead the point is, should killing be allowed even if it is done by the government. There are sections of people who believe that the government has the right to kill its worst citizens to protect the society from further crimes, but we should also see that one cannot atone from death but one can make a difference alive in the form of betterment.
Killing can be in 3 forms : murder done by any individual, Killing in the war, and killing as punishment. In the first instance the victim is not aware and hence does not go through the trauma, in the second case he is duty bound so takes the death, as ,more or less by pride but in the third case he is penalized and hence is unacceptable to him but at the same time he has to wait for his death to come. He goes through tremendous mental trauma, so he is not killed once but repeatedly. But we are all responsible for such penalty , as we have agreed mutually to give the government conditional power to kill with our permission( through our elected representatives ).
There was actually a huge hue and cry during the case of Dhanjaya’s hanging, but why do we support such death when we know for sure that this death is in lieu of the life they themselves have taken of some innocent human. We know that criminals are repeat offenders and death penalty can reduce this, and we don’t need a PhD to understand this.
In the case of Ajmal Amir Kasab, I know most of the mumbaikars has welcomed this verdict but if we think deeply will this death sentence solve the problem of terrorism ? I doubt, it is a much broader problem and cannot be tackled with one death sentence, instead , it should be addressed differently, because there are hundreds of Kasabs who has been brainwashed by their handlers and so by killing Kasab a new Kasab will come. The need of the hour is to identify those handlers and punish them so that no Kasab is brainwashed.
Both the abolitionists and the retentionists have some convincing views for and against the capital punishment. For abolitionists it is the right of life and the mental trauma that the criminal faces, for the retentionists it is the psychological and emotional relief for the murder victim’s survivors for causing them such a grievous loss and most importantly the harsh message to the society to curb some brutal crimes.
My personal convictions are that though I am OK with the principle, I oppose the death penalty for the reason that the mental trauma by which the offender suffers through, but again if clear messages are not passed on to the society there will be no end to such crimes like Koli case.. So I am not sure whether I am for or against capital punishment…..


  1. It seems you are very mcuh concerned with death punishement awarded by the government.It is true that in case of Kasab, the death sentence given to him will neither solve the problem of terrorists nor it will bring back those lives who were mercilessly killed by him. But before writing such you should place yourself to such situations which Mumbaikers have gone through. I am just citing an example.U stay at ur own home and to stay safe u use certain chemicals in the form of pesticides, germicides as well as liquid chemicals in the form of repellent.Have u ever questioned yourself why r u doing such..But u never since that is for your own interest. We people are so selfish that until and unless certain disaster happens in our life we always give big big lectures of doing big and gr8 things. Neither what we are doing in our home is bad nor the decision that has been awarded to kasab is worse. As we are cleaning our home let the government do their own job. Yes it is true sometimes politics comes in between this which is the worst part . Another capital punishment is not for everyone but those who are the junk to this society should be shift+deleted from this society too and this may be in any form of which one of them may be capital punishment

  2. taken kasab for instance-yes i do support his death sentence,since he doesnt even regret killing people and was rather depressed that why couldnt he kill more..but @abhijit-i want to say that death sentence or whatever if to be given should be early enough..mental trauma doesnt help at all..neither in betterment nor in worse..coz polluted minds are still polluted...and no repentance is gained..further..any sentence of punishment doesnt cover up the already made damages..punishments should be as such that people will think hundred times before commiting any crime..and it may somehow help into self realisation,otherwise the punishment doesnt serve its purpose,i wish kasab had that realization..about what sinisterfull action he did...and that i wish he couldnt look upto himself..or pity himself somehow...and would have taken his punishment as if that he from himself knew that he deserved it...

  3. Kasab's case was different. He entered India with death in his mind and he should have been granted the same on the very first day. Wasting public money was unnecessary. He achieved what he came for and also he might have become inspiration for many others in QUEUE. The last thing we wanted to give him was publicity. The Damage is already done.

    Killing has different name for different set of people. Need I elaborate?

    Dhanjaya was Infection. And if you cannot stop infections, you have to remove it. Or else the whole society is going to be infected.

    There is more to the issue. If you grant excuse for one case, the Clever Lawyers are going to use that single judgment and get freedom for their clients for Years along. Think of the epidemic.

    So let the system continue.

    Holy people say, that Life and Death is decided by the Almighty GOD. Leave everything to GOD and wait for your turn. Till then Enjoy Life!!!

    ............ AND KEEP BLOGGING !!!!

  4. people who do severe crime should be given death punishments no doubt about it but they should go through the hell experience before death,why to mercy on them because we did not have a family member into the tragedy????
    think of those who had family members in the tragedy will they agree with you??

  5. We are all aware that death penalty in India is awarded in rarest of rare cases only.Hence there is no case on record where death penalty was awarded to someone who didnt deserve it. If the convict goes through mental trauma awaiting execution,so be it since he/she had been preparing and planning it for as long. The fact that a murder is executed mercilessly by the perpetrator, is reason enough for him to be rewarded in the same way. There should be no mercy/leniency plea on compassionate grounds since the murderer was not only aware of these while planning/executing, he is also fully aware of impending death penalty. In fact the dread of death penalty has helped preventing many an uncommited crimes.
