Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can youth of today take politics as their career? The need of the hour...

These day’s students are running madly after the tag of MBA so that they can have some good jobs in their pocket either through the Institutes placement services or of their own. Whatever the source of jobs are, the ultimate goal is to make money as well as status, so be it the large corporate of any vertical like the IT, Food sector or power sector etc. Then why is the youth not considering politics as a career. To my mind politics is a very profitable venture wrapped with power, money and status. So let’s discuss this in today’s forum....

When we visualize a political leader we often imagine somebody at an age of 60+ with Kurta Pyjama, mostly uneducated and criminal records etc. and very fondly we elect them and start criticizing with the way our country is being governed on all possible occasion, let it be a social get together, or our blogs or even some talk shows and so on, forgetting that we are the one to be blamed for electing them. As a matter of fact we actually should think that at age when rest of the profession takes retirement, this profession actually comes to age and becomes eligible to govern.

I think it’s high time that the best and the brightest among the youth to join politics and serve the nation. Youth politics may translate to better politics. Though no one can deny that India has progressed but the pace could have been faster if youth participation in policy making and legislation would have been there. During the time of Independence young leaders like Nehru came to politics but then they never paved the way for the young leaders to take their role other than their own family members. The trend is still the same as we see few young leaders like Rahul Gandhi, Sachin pilot etc who belong to the prominent political background but none from any independent trendsetters.

Isn’t it strange that today’s youth are forced to elect majority of people above 60 years, but it’s because we do not have choice. To my understanding it should be just the other way round, it should be the old people handing over the nation to the youth who represent vigor, passion for the nation, ethics and integrity. There are two ways that we can bring the youth to this field for the nations development, one by making politics lucrative career option ( without the corruption element in it) and second giving the opportunity to the youth by making laws like retirement age for old politicians , essential education qualification, clean past record etc.

Since we do not have any institution which makes good administrator to run the nation so it would be better if we make it as a stream in our education forum to teach how to run the country and like any corporate has divisions the course can also have various departments in the curriculum for them to stand for election on the basis of their specialization during the course. Actually politics should be treated as a noble profession with a mission in mind to run the nation. I strongly believe in the notion that “be in the system to change the system”.

I completely agree with someone saying that there should be an overhaul of the Indian political scene by nourishing potential talented youths. With due respect to the current youth leaders, lets welcome more and more youth in the system and not leave the country just in the mercy of dynasty politics. I know it’s easy said than done but at least we can look for a start….


  1. Politics!!no politicians have gone through a single page of political science which is quite a good subject and has a lot of matter to learn in it.Engineers study engineering, and doctors study medicine,as well as business tycoons study management,so each career has its own subject knowledge domain,but politics is the only place where nobody studies nothing, and there are no entrance an entrance test should be conducted,students studying internation politics and studies will be the best candidate..again, there must be a system of designation which is a lucrative as corporate sector because youth are always ambitious for a better position and status..

  2. governments should be run by youth now.nation needs a young PM and Presidents.People are enterning into politics after retirement from the mainstream life.Youth can come forward and make a clean politics,so that parents can encourge their children for politics.Its time for youth to do the raj with niti
